何 謂 電 氣 牡 丹 ?
『電氣』為新科技、年輕性的代表, 『牡丹』由來為台灣客家花布上豔麗牡丹, 作為一種台灣的象徵。因此『電氣牡丹』所想要表達的是一種年輕性、新的台灣形象。是一個「宅」的、「萌」的、「特別崇拜某一類極端感受性」的地下團體,主要是在宮廷作夢,和在外太空吹泡泡。「電氣牡丹」團員主要包括一些熱衷次文化/插畫/動漫/藝術/文學的同好所組成並作為當代一個充滿無限擴充性硬碟的、嶄新創造與爆破的代言詞。
"Electric" as the new technology, the young of the representative, "Peony" origin of the fabric on the Taiwan Hakka bright peony, as a symbol of Taiwan. Therefore, "Electrical-Peony" want to express is a young power, a new image of Taiwan. As "OTAKU", and "Moe", and "A special worship of a certain type of extreme sensitivity" of the underground groups, mainly in the palace for a dream, and blowing bubbles in outer space. "Electrical-Peony" members include some of the enthusiastic sub-culture / illustration / animation / art / literature, and as contemporary enthusiasts formed a hard drive full of unlimited scalability, a new burst of creativity and a byword.